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B-PAD is a test of judgement and "officer presence".


Candidates respond to questions designed to help oral boards understand the judgment, ethical decision-making and “officer presence” potential of each candidate.  


Your candidates will participate in a crime scene investigation. Their observation and interview notes are used to write a complete report. The result is a realistic assessment of report writing ability.


  • Reduce liability and improve community relations.
  • Saves time and money by effectively screening candidates.
  • Video scenario assessments deliver the highest validity.
  • B-PAD has a high degree of candidate acceptance.
  • Defensible. B-PAD has never been challenged in court and is often mentioned in court cases as an alternative selection process with no adverse impact for females or minorities.




Learn More >

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707. 888.2865

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Downloadable PDF Documents:

Validation Research: FL State Study | Technical Report

Candidate Instructions


Client Success Stories